January 12, 2007

The changing face of Chinese women on propaganda posters. There's a shortage of Chinese women, you know. But extra Cameroon wives to go around, apparently. And Rice is one of Cameroon's main food imports. Let's make a deal!
  • Lovely post, fish tick! ))! And Rice is one of Cameroon's main food imports. Let's make a deal! I hope they don't mind the bitter taste of Condoleeza.
  • Faskinating!
  • The history of advertising is fascinating, and often a much truer reflection of cultural ideals than the "fine" arts. Not to mention that the pix is gorgrorgeous - I think I've found my new desktop for a while. Thanks, O Fishy one!
  • Lovely, O breaded piscine treat nee acquatic auditory phenomena! Although I agree TUMmy re: the cultural ideals in advertising (and note the difference between propaganda & advertising), it still makes me extraordinarily, like, really really really angry. Alas, my new year's resolution to avoid cursing allows me only the lukewarm satisfaction to denounce the darned stupid poopheads who routinely goose the human aesthetic and exploit basic emotional needs . . . . ehh . . et cetera, et cetera . . . /king-and-i
  • note the difference between propaganda & advertising Propaganda is advertising for shit you never bought but have to live with anyway
  • ес правда!!
  • bless you!
  • Propaganda is advertising for shit you never bought but have to live with anyway I want that on a T-shirt. Advertising seeks to get you to buy something, whereas propaganda seeks to get you to buy into something. And yeah, they're both created by manipulative bastards who exploit our basic insecurities, etc, etc. I did some wok with Reality Check, and although their main focus is the tobacco industry, the educator I worked with also did workshops for teens about recognizing how advertising in general affects us. It was cool stuff, especially since that market is so sought-after. I remember as a kid being fascinated with the story The Girl Who Was Plugged In, whcih described the dark side of a future where advertising had been outlawed.
  • Thanks for all, fish!
  • Propaganda is advertising for shit you never bought but have to live with anyway Heh. Bravo! Quote of the year, and look it's only January!
  • I did some wok Now, now, ethnic stereotyping, etc.
  • So, I guess that's an ethnic stereotypo?
  • Bravo to the Tick for this one, and you to, Ab. Although the stories made me sad.