March 06, 2004

MonkeyDigest #1 Ripe Bananas

Groin Growth: Spanish doctors amputated a patient's injured arm, attached it to his groin for nine days, then replanted it on its stump. Indian Summer passé; European Summer hot: 2003 summer hottest in 500 years. Why Acupuncture works: Acupuncture on pain-relief points cuts blood flow to key areas of the brain within seconds, providing the clearest explanation to date. It was a Dark and Stormy night. I needed some Smirnoff to soothe myself. Atleast my Sony WEGA TV won't let me down.: Product Placement in Books.

  • Say now, this is an idea. Class? Thoughts?
  • The surgeons used acupuncture for local anaesthesia when attaching the arm, which had been torn off in an accident caused by the sweltering Spanish summer heat... a heat only made bearable by cold, refreshing bottles of Coca-Cola
  • Me like.
  • When I sprained both ankles (don't ask), my chinese physician said I had a 'knot' in my right ankle - which had a swelling the size of a tennis ball on one side - that would cause long-term problems if I didn't get rid of it. She inserted the needle into my ankle, and I felt it probe around a bit. And then something inside my leg exploded. Really, that's how it felt. It wasn't painful, just...freaky. But I have to say, after that, my ankle felt loads better.
  • Oetzi - the name given to the mummified 5,200 year-old dead gent found in the Alps in '91 - had multiple groups of odd tattoos on his body. At first a mystery, these were later found to segue with sites used in modern acupuncture. So the technique and associated remedies were known and practiced by neolithic Europeans 2,000 years before the Chinese.
  • Segway?
  • No thanks, I'll just walk.
  • Nostrildamus: We don't know that acupuncture was practiced by the Europeans before the Chinese. All we can gather from Oetzi is that some form of acupuncture was practiced before formal Chinese acupuncture methods were. A lot of knowledge must have been discovered and used thousands of years ago that we are only just re-discovering or verifying as more than just "old wives' tales".
  • I would've appreciated the opportunity to comment on two of the three memes NOT mentioned in the comments, but it would be way too confusing. Good stuff, Gyan, but one at a time, please. The next poster to use this format will be subjected to much less polite criticism from me. You have been warned.
  • I'm sorry, wendell. *shuffle feet*
  • *raises eyebrow*
  • The absolute best book for prodcut placement is Bret Easton Ellis' American Psycho. Truly disturbuing but oddly compelling narrative on life.
  • Watch that eyebrow, folks. Really. Watch that eyebrow. It has super eyebrow powers.
  • Monobrow! /multi-thread derail
  • goetter, I kiss you!
  • ::raises his monobrow:: ::removes his bro::