October 13, 2006

Ornithopter - First successful* flight in the news. *Success is a relative concept. [9MB mpg]

This thread needs more Terry-Thomas.

  • An ornithopter that lands like a boobie. It might just catch on.
  • I see your boobie and raise you an archeopteryx.
  • Suddenly, I don't want no autogyro no more.
  • That's one of 'em rascally Sea Kings, Capt. - I run for cover when they're overhead here.
  • No, no, fish -- I meant that seeing this ornithopter made me want one of those instead of an autogyro. I should have explained myself better. Besides, we should totally send the Sea Kings to Afghanistan. All that falling debris would take care of the Taliban right quick. "Hey, I may have signed up to be a suicide bomber, but that doesn't mean I want to be skewered by a wild chopper blade..."
  • MonkeyFilter: lands like a boobie
  • Ever since I first read Dune I was trying to figure out what an ornithopter looked like. I first read a 1970s issue, which had a cover with an ornithopter with cup-like extentions on the wings. Guess that artist got it wrong...
  • If this technology ever takes off it could cause quite a flap in aviation circles.
  • *boos Islander out of the hanger