September 07, 2006

Curious George: Defining Extingencies Can anybody define extingencies or extingency for me? Or tell me if they are even real words?

I was writing a letter and started to use, "extingencies", then realized I don't quite know what it or, "extingency," mean, or if they are even words. A quick Google search suggests they are, but does little to provide a definition. My memory seems to think extingencies means something along the lines of "the difficulties that arise from a certain situation." Is that correct? Am I misspelling it?

  • There is no such word as extingency.
  • Now send me money.
  • Are you sure you're not conflating two words? How about contingency: con·tin·gen·cy (kn-tnjn-s) "contingencies" [P] n. pl. con·tin·gen·cies 1. An event that may occur but that is not likely or intended; a possibility. 2. A possibility that must be prepared for; a future emergency. 2. The condition of being dependent on chance; uncertainty. 3. Something incidental to something else.
  • It's a fire fighter's term. "OK Chief, the fire's out. Oh sorry, I mean I can confirm we have extingency in the Oak Lane situation."
  • It's when you get a tinge of that old feeling back for your ex.
  • Extingency is merely a former tingency.
  • Contrary to the foam-mouthed belcher of perpetual idiocies who has already vomited his scat-pile of falsehoods on this thread, "extingency" is, in fact, a "real" word. Note the root: tinge Tinge (tĭnj) tr.v. 1. To apply a trace of color to; tint. 2. To affect slightly, as with a contrasting quality: "The air was blowy and tinged with rain" (Joyce Carol Oates). Source. Hence the following: Tin´gent a. 1. Having the power to tinge. As for the white part, it appears much less enriched with the tingent property. - Boyle. Source. With the suffix "-cy", "tingency" would, therefore, mean the state or practice of having the power to tinge. "Mondrian in Paris mastered the art of Cubist tingency" - quidnunc kid. Adding the prefix "ex" (without, not, away from) we define "extingency" to be "lack of the quality of applying colour". "Thus being shown to be a brute of little thought or education, Chy's face turned white: shame's extingency prevailed o'er nature's usual pink hue".
  • Extingicist!
  • That's what I said, quid. Sheesh.
  • Would someone please tell Capt Renault that I'm not talking to people who don't invite me to their Parisian meetups? Thanks.
  • Capt, Quid just told me to tell you "ooh lah lah," or something. Now kiss and make up. Lots of tongue, please and thank you.
  • You want in on the Parisian meetup? Fiddy dalla. No, wait, cinquante euro. Seriously, though, if anyone wants in on the meetup -- I'm sure roryk wouldn't mind me suggesting this (and is he wants me alone to himself, he'll have to pay for the private booth at Le Train Bleu) -- c'mon down! Date and location not yet set, but nobody better fuck with my Cesaria Evora tickets at L'Olympia.
  • Oh yes! Oh yes! Wot's all this then?! Eh? *adjusts tit*
  • Pleggers FTW.
  • Not to say the quiddo's explanation wasn't as entertaining.
  • I had something else to say .... shit.
  • Did you extingencate it?
  • Yes. What?
  • I'm sure you've all helped Gryfter tremendously, you bunch of extingenciers. *late to party--adjusts beret and picks up french freedom fries
  • *late to party--adjusts beret and picks up french freedom fries The republicans have actually abandoned that term. Because they're a bunch of fucking cut-and-runners. Or maybe it's because the guy who started it (Bob Ney) is going to jail for taking bribes. Probably both.
  • Hey! Remember, I work on an Air Farce base. They will FOREVER serve freedom fries at the bowling alley! *salutes
  • *throws a gutter ball*
  • you've got to pay for booths at le train bleu? i thought it was just a question of arriving early and staking a claim. but yes yes, more == merrier, come one come all to par-tay in par-ee at the capt's expense. just should be a monday or a thursday or i need extra advance notice. there will be wine and vols aux vents and your own personal cheeses...
  • Dunno about the booths, actually. I was just talking out of my ass, as is my wont. I've got the first round at Le Baron Rouge... Because every bar should have a bulk-take-out option.
  • Baron Bouge, excusez-moi.
  • > I've got the first round at Le Baron Rouge... heh. this place is all of two minutes walk from my apartment. where i'll no longer be living in november :-(
  • *seethes*
  • Well, if we're not going to the Lapin Agile I'm not coming.