August 11, 2006
Insect closeups.
Get to know the housefly, ant, hornet, honeybee, and many other friends up close and personal!
The honeybee photos look like stuffed animals. The others - not so much.
Quite a handsome fellow, that bee.
See also: Rick Lieder's insects-in-nature photos (via), Mark Plonsky, who also has a bit of a how-to; Frank Phillips with a how-to of his own; and wow, pretty much anything here. Yay bugs!
Wheeee I love seeing insect macros! even if it means having nightmares tonight
the honeybee has bristles and also has five eyes with which to study flowers and the condition of the skies bees wear their bones on their outsides unlike the flesh-coat vertebrates who keep theirs tucked inside
Little critters! Via
*hastily opens his brolly before squee starts falling from the sky*
Little critters! How funny... that flickr photoset is by specklet, who I met a few months back at a mofi/mefi meetup and run into every few weeks. Somehow I'm continually surprised when real life and the internet overlap. And let me be the first to say... Skink! On a finger!
AntWeb has some cool ultra-closeups, mostly of heads.