April 20, 2006

Curious George: wearing in my boots is wearing my feet out! I love my 14-hole white Docs. But I've been trying to break them in for a year now and I still get blisters.

They are the right size - in fact the toe area and the width is no problem. It's the heel part that's reinforced that is gouging out my poor ankle. Taping it or taping my foot has not worked. Two pairs of socks has not worked. Lacing tighter and looser has not worked. What's a punk rocker girl to do? How can I take on Godzilla when my lovely boots make me walk like a mincing Eunuch?

  • can you treat the inside part of the heel with some oil or cream? i've often found the almost rigid back ankle of doc martens to be quite uncomfortable, but the blisters would stop after a while. what about stressing the leather at the back of the heel? bending it repeatedly or storing them with that area flattened? i've found that new sandals often cut me for a few weeks, but gradually the skin on my feet adapts to accommodate them. nice bit of scar tissue can work wonders.
  • Go to your local hiking/outdoor store. Ask for some boot "dubbin" which is a leather treatment (oo-er missus) for boots. Apply liberally to Docs and let the stuff do its magic! Alternatively try "beating them up" with a roling pin to soften them up. Worried that its the heel that caasing you most probs though. Is something poking through inside? Have to tried a cobbler to take a look? NB two pairs of socks aint the answer. Causes blisters. Just my $0.02
  • Are there any cobblers where you live? I had some really nice mountain boots that just broke in wrong, but a cobbler fixed them up just right for me. They were my favorite boots until I wore them out.
  • Don't soldiers piss in their boots to soften them up?
  • Or just do long hikes through the river. But pissing could work. Stay with it, gomichild! Docs are hell to break in, but one day they just snap, and you're stompin' on Easy Street.
  • on the subject of docs, has anyone successfully replaced the base? i've a pair with fantastic uppers, but the sole/heel is worn out and punctured.
  • Cobblers can save your sole.
  • Unfortunately no cobblers I know of - just a scary old hag nearby who will nail on a new sole while scowling. I am concerned about doing something too extreme as they are white and I don't want to totally kill the finish. I think I will try putting a cloth over them and beating them a bit with a rolling pin. As for pissing on them - follow up Curious George - "my Docs smell like piss how can I make them smell better?" (~^)
  • These them Docs?
  • no no more holes matey. 14 of 'em.
  • These ones!
  • on the subject of docs, has anyone successfully replaced the base? i've a pair with fantastic uppers, but the sole/heel is worn out and punctured. The party line is that you can't. Doc soles are heat-melded to the uppers, and there's no way of removing the sole once it's been molded on. That's what I've been told, anyway. According to my walnut-sized brain, it should be entirely possible to shave down the worn out sole, and glue/weld/melt a new partial sole on to take its place. But that would likely lead to a lesser-quality bounce and/or leakage. For years, I had a great pair of six-holed oxbloods that had split their soles, and I could only wear them in dry weather. Part of the dedication to a comfy pair of Docs, I suppose.
  • *sees pic* Sweet Mothra, gomichild, those are HAWT. Break in that heel, so you can hop the train to Skaville just that much sooner...
  • jeebus! thems lots of holes! Must reach your knees!
  • I can barely last through a gig at the moment! It's humiliating! They are only mid-calf not to knee (although I was originally looking for white ones that did but apparently they haven't made them since the 70s).
  • Image hosting by Photobucket
  • sweet boots, gomi. *starts singing alexi sayle song to self*
  • It's not class or ideology, Color, creed, or roots The only thing that unites us Is Dr. Marten's boots Dr. Marten's boots of the world So that everybody can be free They're classless, matchless, ageless and waterproof And retail for only 19 pounds and 99p What should everyone be wearing? Those boots with the air-flow soles And your boots will have a meeting And your boots will take control Thanks to Dr. Marten everyone will have warm feet Thanks to Dr. Marten they'll be dancing in the street No. Don't You Want Me. OK, Boots. Do your stuff! Dr. Marten's, Dr. Marten's, Dr. Marten's boots Dr. Marten's, Dr. Marten's, Dr. Marten's boots Dr. Marten's, Dr. Marten's, Dr. Marten's boots
  • I don't know how it will affect the white finish of those boots, but I soften up my plain leather 8-hole Docs (and my baseball glove) with shaving cream. Just rub it in with a cloth and rub off the excess, and make sure you put them on immediately after so they cure to your foot. I also found that lacing up only the lower 6 of the 8 holes gives me the ankle mobility I need, but that wouldn't apply to those skyscrapers you wear.
  • Altogether now; "Gillete, the best gomi-child can get"!
  • Them boots was made for kickin' ass!
  • NB two pairs of socks aint the answer. Causes blisters. Not to be nitpicky, but I'm a longtime basketball player, and it's general knowledge in the hoops-playing world that this is the exact opposite of the truth: Wearing two pairs of socks helps prevent blisters (b/c the socks rub against each other rather than a single sock rubbing against your skin). That's been my personal experience, as well.
  • Get a broom stick and put the rounded end inside the boot where it scrapes your ankle. Put the other end of the broom stick on the floor, and push. You're going to warp that area right out. It helps - if the boots are leather - to put some Lexol on the spot you're going to stretch, but test it first to make sure it doesn't stain. Do this a little at a time, and that area will get softer.
  • Best tip: Hammer the back of the boots into submission. It really works.
  • I imagine the Werzog can hammer Docs into submission as well. Ask him. He might not even have to touch them. He can bend them to his will telepathically. Werzog's thoughts to Docs' thoughts, Werzog's thoughts to Docs' thoughts...
  • Don't soldiers piss in their boots to soften them up? Good Lord, no! The unfortunate thing is that this would totally screw up the finish on those nice white Docs, but this is how I always broke in boots. Set the boots in a shower, get them totally soaked, put on a couple pair of cushy socks, put on the boots and hike until the boots are dry. Works like a charm. If you're not concerned about fucking up the glossy look of your boots, do it. (And even if the finish is hosed, isn't there white boot polish?)
  • By the way, Zaphod, very nice.
  • You absolutely can get new soles for Docs. I had a pair of 3 hole greasies that had two sole replacements.
  • Besides the looks and the name, is there some advantage to Docs that regular combat boots don't have? Like, I can have my steel-toe jump boots resoled damn near anywhere, and for that matter I could dye them any unblack color I wanted. And I just saw I can find 'em through Froogle for $40 (half what I paid for these, AARGH). [Oh by the way, I hadn't realized I was already logged in on this machine a friend was currently using, so then I wasn't deleted and didn't need to re-register. Sorry tracicle.]
  • Docs aren't combat boots. They're workmen's boots. They have a comfy pneumatic sole. And they're fashion objects (which is why I don't bother any more).
  • I'm pretty sure my sister's had her 7-hole Docs resoled too. She was an electrician and they were perfect work boots.
  • Neatsfoot oil. . Not sure what effect it would have on the finish, but you should be able to apply it from the inside. Test on a small patch, just to see. This stuff is magic. Often found near the shoe polishes, or at any store selling leather goods.
  • new doc soles: my mission for tomorrow.
  • Your mother wears army boots.
  • I'd just like to interject that gomichild's sexiness index just went up by an order of magnitude as a result of this thread.
  • On your chart, maybe. *takes the Fifth*
  • *drinks a fifth*
  • *crosses Firth of Forth thinking only of gomi's pert quizzical buttocks*
  • Thanks for all the tips kids. You know I think it might be the leather just over the inner reinforced heel bit that's killing me ankles. I intend to beat it into submission shortly. This thread as renewed my wish for a pair of white knee high docs though. Shoe size European - 38, Japanese 24.5 Australian 7 and a half. Gimme a shout if you come across a pair of the rumoured legendary knee high ones. I have quizzical buttocks???
  • Have you tried insoles? I've always had to get insoles for my boots, and that doesn't seem to be on the list of things you've tried. If you have tried them, I'd say try again. There's all kinds, I would think you'd be able to find one kind that works perfectly.
  • gomichild, these are white 20 hole (knee high) Docs, but I don't know the conversion from US size 8 to any of the sizes you mentioned.
  • Good find Christophine! According to the size comparison charts size 8 is a Japanese 24.5 - just my size! *gets excited* Bugger will only ship to US or Canada...
  • There are plans afoot - don't any of you buggers bid against me! *tries to look threatening*
  • I won the auction! wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 20 hole docs here we come!
  • gomichild I think its only fair to request a photo of you in those 20-hole docs when you get them. we made MCT show off his suit, and he doesn't even have quizzical buttocks.
  • Photos? wonders if black tights hide hairy legs
  • *rubs hands in anticipation, twirls moustache*
  • *adores the gomester*
  • Gomichild, can I take you to a restaurant that's got glass tables? I can watch your Docs while you are eating...
  • Yeah, and afterwards...? You pre-vert!
  • Black tights hide hairy legs quite well. And they keep your legs warm -- a great winter combination!
  • Honestly... you crazy monkeys... basks in the warm glow
  • Here they are!! my dream boots
  • *hearts* the boots *hearts* the gomi
  • Beautiful!
  • *has a little not very secret crush on gomi*
  • *cue Nancy Sinatra*
  • Remember your promise to kick extra ass and take extra names in those boots.
  • *hearts* mandyman for making them happen I wore them tonight and held up traffic! (Not so hard in my neighbourhood mind you) NO BLISTERS! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  • If anyone else has mentioned this, then "my bad," but you might be interested in buying some "wicking" waterproof socks. You can get them at the Sport Chalet (or any other sport store). Once you wear them, you'll love them forever. Take it from someone who does a hell of a lot of hiking in combat boots.
  • gorgeous gomi!
  • Oh my. Those are very nice.
  • Just so you know, you made me go to church this morning with lust in my heart. Jesus hates you for that. But I don't.
  • o o o o O O O O o o o o ! !
  • Monkeyfilter: you made me go to church with lust in my heart
  • oh yeah!
  • For monkeys who are too lazy for laces, I recommend Chippewas.
  • Ooh! *bookmarks* I've been looking for replacements for my steel-toed Caterpillar boots. Excellent! The only thing they lack is yellow rubber treads.
  • Tsstefully complemented by the black and white floor!
  • Those firefighter boots are cool. Ah, how I hate to lace up my hiking-boot clones.
  • Takes the phrase "putting the boot in" to a whole 'nother level of pain.