March 19, 2006

La liberté Also known as civil war.

And the people who didn't see this coming? Well, they're just fucking idiots.

  • Yeap.
  • It seems this adventure is doomed.
  • "We are losing each day as an average 50 to 60 people throughout the country, if not more - if this is not civil war, then God knows what civil war is" I've been wondering about this for a while now. When IS something a civil war? Is there some kind of official definition somewhere?
  • "We are losing each day as an average 50 to 60 people throughout the country, if not more..." Perhaps this was the Bush strategy all along?
  • According to the CIA (in whom we have complete trust) the population of Iraq is roughly 26 million people. So, if they are killing each other at the rate of 60 per day, if we can tough it out for 1,187 years, poof: problem solved.
  • Oh, and of course, pre-emptive military action is now being viewed as a possible reaction to Iranian non-compliance to American foreign nuclear policy. WAR IS PEACE!
  • Been picturing for months now -- daily -- so many people have blown up or taken hostage at places in and around my immediate locality. The hospital, the electrical company, the library, one of the colleges, etc -- doing this, it's been apparent for some time the situation is simply intolerable.
  • Chip, I think there has to be an official ruling by Ken Burns. I'm pretty sure there has to be sad harmonica playing involved, as well as flowery letters to sweethearts.
  • a sibling must kill a sibling. then it's official.
  • *Lonesome Harmonica Music* Deer Condi, I sure am glad we invaderated Irak! Everywon says its going grate over there - Dick and Rummy an' everybody! Mah bruther Jeb was dum tho, he said I shoulda concentrationed on some guy called Harry Kane and his cat Reena, but I just think I'll get Dick to shoot him in the face so as heel shut up! Anyways I really miss yoo an I hope you come back soon frum Soodan or wherever the hell your at. All my luve, George.
  • *laughs, cries*