March 15, 2006

The Carp Robot. For when a real carp just isn't good enough. Surprise: it comes from Japan.

And why do the engineers at Ryomei Engineering have broken noses?

  • I find your hate-on that you have for Japan fascinating, and I appreciate the fact that you continuously make fpps about your disapproval of them.
  • I didn't feel teh hat3 - did I miss a subtlety?
  • Robots. Japan. World Leader in robotics. Is there a problem here?
  • And why do the engineers at Ryomei Engineering have broken noses? From the animation, I would guess it's from bowing too deeply around heavy furniture. No matter what country it comes from, that fishbot is as creepy as all get-out.
  • Obligatory Exorcist III quote: My wife's mother is visiting, Father, and Tuesday she's cooking us a carp. It's a tasty fish, I'm not against it. But because it's supposedly filled with impurities, Mary's mother buys it alive, and for three days now it's been swimming in my bathtub. Up and down. Cleaning out the impurities. And I hate it. I can't stand the sight of it moving it's gills. Now, you're standing very close to me, Father. Have you noticed? Yes. I haven't had a bath in days. So I never go home until the carp is asleep. I'm afraid that if I see it while it's swimming, I'll kill it.
  • heh i read that first time without noticing the "obligatory ... quote" part and thought to myself, "my, what an interesting life middleclasstool leads"
  • yeah, it's like out of a movie or somethin'
  • Do androids fish for electric carp?
  • Maybe I'm wrong, but to me your post reads like "haha look at how stupid japanese are they want robot fish!!!!", just more subtle. Maybe it's because of your previous post about pleasure-seeking watches and how stupid Japan is for having them. I supose there could be some other reason you keep bringing up ethnicity while you mock, but I don't what that reason could be.
  • Projection. What do you have against robo-carp, MrK?
  • Like I said, I could be wrong. I'm just explaining why it looks that to me. Maybe we'll see a fpp mocking a product or invention where RalphTheDog doesn't bring up ethnicity (or nationality). It could happen.
  • You can't deny that some weird stuff comes out of Japan. On the other fin, 2 FPPs with a similar "out of Japan" line, is interesting.
  • Japan is known for wacky electronic gizmos and gadgets. I don't see a hate crime here.
  • A little thin skinned there, Mr. K? I am far from the first to find some of what comes from Japan to be unusual, hard to explain, and yes, sometimes funny.
  • You don't see the difference in those fpps and yours? The topic of those posts included nationality. It was relevant. You can't say "here is a Japanese version of Golgo 13" without bringing up nationality. In your posts, it isn't relevant. You can say "here is a stupid robot fish" without bringing up nationality. You can say "here is a stupid watch" without bringing up nationality. Well, other people can. You can't. And there's a big difference between saying "alot of stupid stuff comes out of Japan" and "here's something stupid, it must be Japanese".
  • Engrish is PC but saying that a robocarp is a little weird isn't? Okay. Anyway, let's take this outside, these people have had a hard day and they don't need to listen to all this bickering.
  • But Ralph never said 'stupid' and those things are from Japan, not suppositionally 'must be from Japan'. while I am all for community-based inforcement of 'common decency' practices here, I think you may be coming down on RTD a bit harder than is warranted.
  • I think youre reading too much into it, Mr. K. Seems to me he's saying, "Japan makes some damn quirky things", which they do. I never got the impression that he thought they were stupid.
  • Gonna have to agree with the . . . with the sexy, . . sexy women . . . helloooo ladies . . . err, on this one Mr. K. RTD may be a lowlife bum with a big nose and his butt smells and he likes to smell his own butt - but I don't see anything untoward or obscene about mentioning Japan in those FPPs. just kiddin' there RTD
  • He did say they were stupid, he didn't use the word "stupid". And I have no beef with calling those products stupid. It's totally alright to call those products stupid. That's not the issue. It isn't about mocking the products, it's about bringing up nationality while mocking. Look at the difference between saying: "Charles Manson is an evil person." vs "Charles Manson is an evil person. Suprise: he's from America" One of those is okay to say, the other is pretty fucked up. It's not about calling the products stupid. They ARE stupid. It's about feeling the need to bring up nationality.
  • I'll drop it, because the community seems to want that.
  • "RTD may be a lowlife bum with a big nose and his butt smells and he likes to smell his own butt" This is ridiculous. My nose is smallish. Oh, and Mr. Knickerbocker has his panties in a knot. Surprise: I don't know where he's from. So, that's okay.
  • "There are two things in this world that I cannot handle....People who are intolerant of other's cultures....and the Dutch." -Michael Caine in Austin Powers, Goldmember A goodie.
  • Panties stay fresher when you keep them in knots.
  • So that's why my butt smells.
  • I dunno - if you said hey look a robotic fish that lights up and smells like lavender, I'd say "what, is it from japan?" "Japanese Schoolgirl Watch" is a feature in Wired for a reason. Or . . perhaps a couple, but the point is that some truly odd things (to the rest of us) come out of Japan. If you said "There's a bill pending to strip women of the vote, require everyone to carry handguns and graduate students at grade 5" I'd say "Surprise: it's from Mississippi." Or maybe texas. It's generalizing, but perhaps the main point is I didn't see any malice. Of course, I could be an idiot. But don't tell anyone.
  • Give TheDog a robotic bone. Via Germany, the same place that had Nazis!
  • "In a cadaver study, we prepared 20 matched pairs of human femora using chipped-tooth broaches and robotic milling with the same geometry." Oh, please. So last weekend.
  • Yes, but now it's retro!
  • MonkeyFilter: Unusual, hard to explain, and yes, sometimes funny. MonkeyFilter: Panties stay fresher when you keep them in knots. MonkeyFilter: Take this outside, these people have had a hard day and they don't need to listen to all this bickering. A robotic carp? Meh. Wake me when they have a robotic tagline generator with scrolling capacity.
  • Please... stop... me... I- MonkeyFilter: a robotic tagline generator with scrolling capacity *gasp*
  • InsolentChimp! Wake up! *smak* Wake up! You poor wretched fool! Taglines aren't to be toyed with! You don't have the experience! Someone get me a pitcher of water, two hard-boiled eggs and eight shots of vodka! Stat!
  • What... have I...... done...? What's happening... to... me?
  • Something's wrong with Insolent Chimp. Surprise: He's French.
  • BTW Swimming Snake Robot. Surprise: It's from Metafilter.
  • Zut alors...
  • Sacre Blue! hee hee! Get it? MetaFilter - blue? Bleu? Hah? . . . Ahhhh screw you guys. I'm goin' home.
  • video
  • I'm a little late her, but Mr. K., I think you're just...wrong. If someone showed me a robot carp, I'd say, "it's from Japan, isn't it?". It's not because it's stupid, it's because just about anything new and innovative, or technologically advanced (a robot that swims? It's hard to make, and it has endless applications in transport, exploration, marine biology, etc.) comes out of Japan. Because they're better than us at that stuff. Didn't read as a slam to me at all.
  • Someone's policing FPPs. Surprise, it's Mr.K. Ok, that was just out of line.
  • Because they're better than us at that stuff. What's with this us and them "Concept of the Political"? Surprise: it's from Carl Schmitt.
  • What?
  • More robotic fish. These are English/Chinese. I had no idea they were this far with autonomous underwater robots. Very cool.
  • Worth visiting the link just to savor the phrase: "Robotic Fish Press Day". Shouldn't every day be Robotic Fish Press Day?
  • Yeah, I use my robotic fish press every day. You can't get them halibut flat enough for my taste.
  • is this how we make fish cakes?
  • MMMMmmmmmm, fish cakes! With frosting and candles. heh heh heh! Insolent Chimp is no longer a virgin! Pretty soon he'll be on the street, with a tagline pimp, working it for all he's worth.
  • I thought a robotic fish press was an exercise, like with freeweights only instead you use robocod.