March 01, 2006

Where can you buy a watch that doesn't appear to be able to tell the time, flashes random colors, and is called the Pimp Pleasure Seeker? Why, Japan, of course.
  • This product suffers from the Fosters Beer phenomenon, in which something is exported out there to the world, but no one in the actual country of origin purchases it.
  • I'm not clear here. Does this mean that if your watch is flashing, you desire to fuck someone? See, I usually would indicate that by offering to purchase a drink for someone. Or, if I was hammered enough, offering moustache rides.
  • Usually I use the word "pimp" to indicate that something is cool. As in, "That Ferrari is totally pimp!" This meaning derives from the idea that pimps get laid constantly, and that makes them cool. This, however, is not cool. In fact, it is the opposite of cool. So what's the opposite of a pimp? Should I refer to this as "hoe?" Or perhaps just say, "Man that watch is virgin!"
  • I often wonder how a word that is used to describe a man who enslaves and often beats and rapes women could become synonymous with "cool". Keep your pimp Ferrari.
  • Ok... Ralph, did you, like, do a personality inversion between the fpp and the last comment? I'm confused, but, it could just be too much coffeeeeeeeeeee!
  • Well, I didn't name the Pimp Watch Company, and had they asked me for advice (ha!) at their inception, I would have dissuaded them from using such a derogatory word. So that's that. Now we have a poster who apparently agrees that "pimp" has a positive connotation, and he is dissapointed in the pimp watch as it does not rise to his standards of what a "pimp" thing should be. I suppose I am the dinosaur on this. Sigh.
  • Once the button is pressed, the watch will light up 3 times a minute for 12 minutes. We call it "Pleasure Seeker" mode. This indicates that you are seeking pleasure. Well, duh.
  • I would say that by Weezel's logic, "ho" can't be the opposite of pimp because they get laid lots, too. Therefore they have an equal, or greater, amount of coolness as pimps, unless you want to get into some fairly convoluted gender politics. Perhaps the word we want here is "prude?" That said, I understand what RalphTheDog is trying to say about the connotations of the word pimp.
  • Monkeyfilter: an equal, or greater, amount of coolness as pimps
  • Where can you buy a watch that doesn't appear to be able to tell the time, flashes random colors, and is called the Pimp Pleasure Seeker? Why, Japan, of course. dude, you have to give me a chance to guess! Cause I would've guessed America.
  • I don't want to know what time you think it is.
  • I've sold, bought, been sold, been bought. There is no cool angle. Cool is for the middle class, the very ordinary people. Cool is www.boing-boing.sleep, or IFolp, cool is the latest indulgence. Try going hungry or finding that at 27 things have been imposed before you were 17 and have left you with a virus. Try cutting your own flesh, watch the blood and let that confirm how cool you are. Having said all that though you do get to be a pimp. Eventually! Which is nice. Pension scheme is crap though, aint they all these days. What was this post about..
  • Oups.. Sorry.. Its the word Pimp. Just reminds me of stuff. RalphTheDog! damn you and your complex social satire!
  • I've been seeking pleasure here for the last 30 minutes. Helllooooooo?!
  • Obviously, I don't actually think pimps are cool. They are bad, bad people who hurt women and damage society. I support legalized prostitution, mostly because it would get rid of real pimps. However, the word "cool" refers to a lack of heat. I don't know how it became to mean "good, pleasant, desirable," but it did (anyone care to help here?). I still use it in the common parlance. Same deal. That said, this site makes me want to go by the name Funk Master Squeeze. 'Cause that would be totally pimp.
  • You know, I think it just got a little easier out here for a pimp. /Jon Stewart
  • We need languagehat here, to do justice to the ways words change meanings etc. According to Chapman's New Dictionary of American Slang (first reference I can lay hands on quickly, not necessarily the best nor the most recent), cool once meant to cool out, calm down, as in cooling an idea or a project for a period. In the 1930s, had underworld use, to kill or put a guy on ice (in the morgue). Also came to mean to be aloof or disengaged; alienated, which brings it into hipster/beat territory. Cool was used in the 1940s among musicians for cool jazz. In the counterculture, came to mean good, excellent; some synonyms -- copacetic, laid-back. In combination with a host of other terms, its meaning enlarged in different ways: cool down, cool off, cool out, cooled out, cooling your heels, a cool hand, cool it, cool off, cool out, Coolsville (how '50s can ye get?!) etc To me, the word always conjures up the 1950s when it saw very heavy use -- been surprised to find out via this forum it's still going strong.
  • Hey, it's "cool", bees. Real "cool", indeed.
  • Koko's pet peeve #4: "kewl"
  • Kewl. That's hella kewl.
  • SHUT UP.
  • Kewl it, ye mean, don't ye?
  • Beeswacky is so like totally hella kewl, he r0xx0rz. Why can't you be that totally hella kewl and hawt, K00k00?
  • You know what I like to say sometimes? When I'm feeling especially hip? I like to say "coolio." As in: That's "coolio."
  • What about "Kool and the Gang?"
  • with the quotes, Nickdanger?
  • Sit on it! /combs hair back
  • Aayyyyyyyy!! /Fonz
  • Yeah. Quotes are "cool". Like sombreros and mickey mouse shorts.
  • beware the plumb curculio!
  • Calvin & Hobbes reference: +5
  • "Cool!"
  • wot fewls these mortals b!
  • werd.
  • em phat ic he sd phat u us ly
  • Now, another one
  • I'm not sure if their byline, "Get yourself a strap on" adquately identifies the product.
  • No, but good advice just the same.