February 24, 2006

The world's largest landing craft is offloading now. The captain of the M/V APL Panama made a mistake on Christmas day, when he did not pick up his pilot. Now his ship is on the beach, and they try, and try, and try, and try to get it off again. Lousy website layout, with great pictures.

The beginning of the story. Page down. Slow loading. Prior post from the same site. Port of Los Angelas longshoreman: "We can save money to bring the cargo in through Mexico, but it might take just a LITTLE longer!"

  • Oh man that's classic humanity at work there. Best quote from the page: "The Godwin Pumps are getting a heavy workout." Ha!
  • It's worth squinting past the horror story that is the site design to see the photos, they're quite impressive.
  • Ah, that's where my container is. I was wondering already.
  • I've been following this story.. My guess is that this thing may never see open water again! /note to self: travel via locking myself in a cargo container carries a small risk....
  • What a colossal fuckup! I couldn't find any explanation as to why the captain ran it aground though.
  • Donald Duck would fill it with pingpongballs to lift it. G.Bush would simple fire a missile to clean it up. Robin Hood would say , give it to the people ,and its empty within a few days.
  • More photos here.
  • The solution is simple: Increase greenhouse gas emmissions, melt the polar icecaps, and raise the level of the sea.
  • Wait-what is the problem here? Just call the Werzog! He's used to carrying ships around!
  • Flagpole, that photo had me laughing also. It was the idea that the 'delicias' ice cream man had just turned up on spec to sell ice creams. I feel like getting a van and touring the worlds accident/disaster sites selling ice cream. That's the life.
  • Ah Flagpole, if you hadn't mentioned it, I would have. WWWD? (What Wouldn't Werzog do?)
  • There have been fuel leaks totaling about 265 gallons. Although her bunkers have been largely drawn off, hull cracks cracks have led to leaks at low tide from fuel-contaminated ballast. Mexico's environmental watchdog agency, known as PROFEPA has sought court orders to arrest the vessel. What does arrest mean in this sentence? I don't think that that vessel is going anywhere and if I were the mexican government I wouldn't want to take ownership of the thing anytime soon either.
  • They could fine the company, and sell the ship as scrap just to pay for the cleaning up of that mess.
  • rdr: Arrest just means that the ship has to be read its memorandum rights, and be taken into police custody officially. Though I am not a lawyer. Hope this helps.
  • Greatest post ever. I love the faux-victorian ragsheet tone throughout.
  • Greatest post ever. I love the faux-victorian ragsheet tone throughout.
  • Greatest double comment ever.
  • hear
  • hear
  • great great post post!!
  • you people and your
  • double posting
  • !
  • Just stop it kids, before you run this thread aground!
  • ¿
  • ψ
  • *
  • /in desperation, attaches wheels to the rare one-character comments Ice cream, anyone?
  • She Floats and an unhappy sea tale comes to an end.
  • wh00t! Bon Voyage Panama!