February 23, 2004

This might lower your heating bills
  • Awesome story!! If the Pentagon is worrying about global warming, maybe it's time for everybody to.
  • Or increase it. "such change would probably cause cooling in the Northern Hemisphere, leading to longer, harsher winters in much of the U.S. and Europe." I've heard some predictions that the Gulf Stream would stop running - and then all those Europeans with their balmy winters will learn what it really means to live at 55 degrees north. (I'm from just 45 degrees, and we had a lovely 40 below with windchill this Christmas, celcius OR farenheit). But beyond worrying, what are the really effective stategies that individual citizens can take?
  • um... buy stock in ski-apparel companies? that might be an effective strategy. or, you could vote for someone who gives a damn about the environment. personally, i'm going for the latter... wall of ice closer today, thag?
  • anybody who's spent the last few years in nyc can tell you it's been colder. Hell, it's colder NOW.
  • Dustbin America [Flash.]
  • ::sprays a can with CFCs in protest::

    God Bless America!
  • Seems like this should be big news. The predictions of world climate changes and extrapolated political scenarios seem rather out there, but at least accentuate how much climate change could really affect the world. It's tempting to be either pessimistic or apathetic about this kind of thing, but on the other hand, it's quite possible we'll be able to tackle this problem as a society, or that it may not even be a 'problem', in terms of progress.
  • To quote the source article: the Pentagon report [...] doesn't pretend to be a forecast. Rather, it sketches a dramatic but plausible scenario to help planners think about coping strategies. The OBSERVER is completely out to lunch. The report is not "secret," was not "suppressed," and does not warn that "European cities will be sunk."
  • Here's the Pentagon report [pdf] itself.