November 16, 2005

"The hardest riddle available on the internet."
  • This looks familiar... could have sworn I saw this early this year. But still very cool (^_^)
  • I got a riddle for ya: "What's bad at puzzles and gets frustrated easily?" *Stamps off, sobbing angrily*
  • it's not so hard so far. it's a lateral thinking thing. I think it has more to do with persistance. After level 4 it requires too much work.
  • which is to say, I'm too lazy to keep working on it. Cool idea though.
  • done ...
  • Big time sucker for my tiny little mind at the moment. Bookmarked, though!
  • It says I have to download a program. I don't want to download a program.
  • That is why you failed.
  • What do you get at the end? A dollar? I'll do it for a dollar.
  • "failed" should be "fail"
  • Ugh. Awesome, but hard. Had to stop because I don't have sound on at work. I predict a lot of wasted time in my near future...
  • The answer to the riddle is: Safari doesn't work on this site.
  • not pron = not interested I too would try it for a dollar
  • It's neat but it's no Planetarium. Hey 'Nika are you allergic to irc now?
  • I have to say that billing itself as the hardest puzzle on the 'net because few people finish isn't a good way to do it. I'm betting more people get bored and give up than actually get stumped. Or it might just be me getting bored and giving up... I'm not looking up any Morse code for christ sakes...
  • I've got a riddle for ya: SIT ON IT! Wait- I mean- Q: What sits on it? A: YOU!!! Yeah.
  • I tried this back when it was first circulating the internet, but I got bored. Like, there was no reason for me to even want to keep going other than a friend of mine was working on it. I just don't think getting to another level is enough pay off to put in the work to do them.
  • round as a riddle deep as a cup the whole durn Mississippi can't fill the thing up* -- traditional *a sieve