February 18, 2004

Fred's Escape: Episode 2 (Flash)

What do you mean you never saw Episode 1?

  • dude... even here self-linking is a no-no.
  • That was pretty good, though. But then I might just be swayed by the use of the excellent DJ Krush as soundtrack.
  • I wish I had teachers who listened to Merzbow.
  • Why is self-linking to your own stuff (if it's good) a no no? If we respect our monkey's standards, it should open up a lotta homegrown fun. Just wonderin'.
  • Read the FAQ. Self-linking is fine.
  • Yah. If you create content, and you self-link, and it's good stuff, monkey accolades will ensue. If not, we will mock and fleer at your solemnity. Seems easy enough. (Clearly this can be abused, but then that's no different from the rest of the Monkey Rules of Order. So much of what we do, how we act, works by consensus and the please-don't-piss-on-Tracy's-toy rule. I do wonder how long this can last.) (I miss the "small" tag.)
  • It'll last longer if we all avoid questioning it. "The first rule of flying: Don't think about how impossible this all is, or else you will quickly and painfully be proven correct." Douglas Adams I loved the bouncy ball terror scene in the second one. Neat stuff.
  • "Fleer". Beautiful.
  • apologies all around. It was a knee-jerk, mefi-style reaction. I missed it in the FAQ and had to ask Tracy. She 'confirmed' it was a no-no and then I found the answer in the FAQ upon further review. I told her about it and she's apologized for the mixed message. For what it's worth, I still think self-links are icky, but I'd be willing to get over it so long as a [self link] notice is included. But I'm kind of an anal retentive ass in that way.
  • We shall now refer to you as Ignorant, anally-retentive ass-Slut. But we'll be saying it with love ;)
  • I think that self links are okay as long as they're labelled clearly as self links (which this wasn't I suppose) and that they're actually links to decent content (which this was) and not just to your blog.
  • Fleer, uncertainty, doubt.
  • Self-link or no, this is pretty lame. The "escapes" are boring because they exist in a world with no rules -- the box is Mary Poppins' bag, you may as well have him pull a ladder out after 10 minutes of screwing around.
  • I disagree, rafter. The box isn't Mary Poppins's bag - just about the opposite. The point is that the things aren't particularly useful, but seemingly random. All in all, it's a simple concept and execution, but entertaining. I like the story construction - it's really hard to make plots out of such a simple situation, but these are good.
  • Oh - and I think a ban on self-linking would be silly, and I say this as someone with no content on the web to self-link to. If monkeys make good things, they should share. I think the original Mefi ban was because of the worry of people using that very well-travelled site to promote themselves, but do we really believe that posting on monkeyfilter is going to make anyone a star? :) (They could always have a spontaneous fusion reaction, of course.) And I don't mind promoting fellow monkey-work, if I don't have to pay.