October 27, 2005

Apple Home Page - Tribute to Rosa Parks -who took the photograph?

Apple did a classy thing and posted a tribute to Rosa Parks on it's home page (at least in my opinion, although I'm sure it could be seen otherwise and I'm hoping this doesn't become a discussion about ethical marketing). My question is, does anyone know the history behind that very powerful photograph, when was it taken and by who? I'm guessing it is fairly well known, but it has slipped under my own defective radar up to now and I had never seen it..

  • You do realize that it is a recreation and not a picture of the actual event, right? I'm guessing that the white guy in the picture is a member of the NAACP. I'm curious as to the photographer/history, as well.
  • It's a slightly cropped version of a picture from the Bettmann archive, now owned (and frozen and buried) by that nice Mr Gates. It dates from December 21, 1956, about a year after the actual event, and presumably celebrates her victory. I believe the photographer is unknown, I'm afraid. (Now someone will prove me wrong.)
  • By the way, Apple did more than use this on their home page: http://www.apple.com/hotnews/articles/2005/10/rosaparks/. While they've taken some criticism for using her in marketing, they are still making a strong social commentary by choosing to honor her life. She embodies the "think different" philosophy that is at the heart of Apple's advertising campaign - and one that is an honest reflection of the way the company thinks. The company did not need to honor or feature her. It reflect the social conscience of the company, not just a calculated PR move. However, I would imagine that Apple had her on the short list of people to honor in this way, but after hearing about the Outkast controversy - I'll bet that those handling Rosa's affairs didn't want to let it happen without compensation. I wonder if they got that compensation now, or if Apple figured that there is a way around it now that her death makes her a legitimate news story. I have the feeling that there is a story behind this story.
  • Whatever sells iPods...
  • Thanks for the comments! mecurious, yep, I assumed it was somehow recreated, but was curious as to how that came about and why... it is a very interesting photograph... and..Plegmund, thanks for the bettmann hint.. a search for that and Rosa Parks turned up the corbis site, where there are a number of photos from that same day..a staged event after the supreme court decision, as you mentioned.. and...rocket.. in my quest to be a bit more positive about the world, I'm gonna choose not to assume it is all about ipods.. I guess I believe that there are still a few folks out there that have enough respect left in their bones to not use someone of this stature in our history as a marketing tool. all in all...thanks folks, question answered..
  • Can we talk about poo now?
  • You need permission?
  • If it was about respect, and not a marketing tool, they wouldn't have put their slogan and logo in the corner of the picture.
  • What sensible rocket88 sensibly said. It is entirely obvious that Apple are seeking to gain from associating the idea of Rosa with the Apple brand. That doesn't mean Apple are evil, just that they indulge in marketing. Who knew.
  • I agree with rocket88. That logo was the "ewww" factor for me... This could potentially backfire on Apple IMHO. And yes, what the wise quidnuc said.
  • What the hell is a quidnuc? First I was "quidnunc camp" and now this. I tells ya, one of these days, sugarmilk - one of these days ... POW!
  • *kicks self* *installs the super-fantastic MoFi grammar checker*
  • Easy there, quoddy.
  • I think queequeg got up on the wrong side of his boat this morning.
  • Somebody's not a happy quidnunc camper.
  • Oh, leave quorum alone. He can't help it, he's Irish!
  • Well he's certainly not from London. Poor the qued.
  • sorry quood, what was that again?
  • Are you guys picking on quack again?
  • You qunts.
  • What rocket88 said.
  • Yeah! He's not a happy camper!
  • Its a little known fact that Rosa Parks to give her seat because she so into the Franz Ferdinand track she was listening to on her ipod.
  • man that was terrible typing. CORRECTED: Its a little known fact that Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat because she was so into the Franz Ferdinand track she was listening to on her ipod.
  • HuronBob's mention of a gallery got me curious - I don't think I found the same one (it's not a corbis site) but here's another gallery. They're all posed, but I like the photos of her talking to kids in Detroit in the late 1970s anyway.
  • oops, that should be mention
  • What rocket said.
  • He's not a happy quamper! Ya think. Well, if it offends you quidnuckles, sit down on a stump and protest.
  • I've got a stump for ya right here...
  • That French bastard quiquaequod sure got what was coming to him!
  • q, q, q, q.
  • You mean the French libertine Marquee di Quids? He was a very happy qamper.
  • *forms al-quida to launch jihad against those kafir who indulge in haram spellings*
  • That doesn't mean Apple are evil, just that they indulge in marketing. Whoa, hold on. Isn't that the same thing?
  • Dunno. Ask qed.
  • Whoa, hold on. Isn't that the same thing? Only if you're a communist. Are you a communist?
  • It's all about the Q
  • You mean quommunist.