October 14, 2005

I Fuckin' KNEW it: Smoking Dope makes your brain cells grow. Maybe.
  • Now somebody for GOD's sake hook me up in Perth.
  • "Just like Prozac," my fat white ass. Prozac doesn't make Haagen Dazs taste like Angelina Jolie is rubbing her breasts against your tongue.
  • Her breasts don't actually taste that good.
  • True, dat. And never mind how Prozac does NOTHING to enhance one's appreciation of back-in-the-mix cowbell parts.
  • That said, I don't condone the use of illegal substances, of course.
  • I do.
  • And this is why I am so smart. S-M-R-T smart.
  • 1 liter of Jolienilla, please. An, no, I'll rub gulp it here, thanks.
  • Dude! *snkk!* Those NewScientist guys are so high! Oh man! They're gonna wake up tomorrow covered in Hershey wrappers and Cracker Jacks and be all like "Woah maaaaann! What the hell did we post last night?!" Ha ha!! Eehhh wow, some snacks would be totally righteous about now . . .
  • See, that, my friend, is a totally inaccurate and overt stereotypical depiction of dope smokers that is completely at odds with reality. Did you know that Carl Sagan, the noted dead guy, smoked pot? And so did Leonardo daVinci and Shakespeare, apparently. Also, Balzac and Errol Flynn, and Rimbaud. Plus, one time, I saw this cow in a marijuana patch, and cows are very mellow and spiritual. What were we talking about, again?
  • I've got tons of extra brain cells. I just wish I could remember how to use them.
  • Hey, does anyone remember that study (also written up by the finely toasted (or do I mean baked?) minds at NS) where they gave spiders different drugs, and looked at the kinds of webs they made. As I recall, the ones on marijuana kind or made it halfway, then decided they couldn't be bothered anymore.....
  • And sex on Prozac is NOWHERE near as good as . . . well, you get the idea. Did somebody say something about ordering a pizza?
  • This flies directly in the face of my own prior experience with heavy dope... Fuck, where are my car keys?
  • Off topic, and probably old hat...But I've always enjoyed this.
  • Speaking of acid, I still find this pants-wettingly hilarious. Not to derail/continue derail/wander blissfully.
  • this pencil is mighty hard to hold' - (he is holding a crayon). Ahh, how many times I've felt like that, aimlessly wiggling a damned mouse...
  • Speaking of fish tick's speaking of acid - I can never pass up the opportunity to reference Mil Millington. Search for 'wallpaper.'
  • Genius may be a(s)kin to madness. What about paranoia of the schizophrenic sort? Smell skunk, and you know the aliens are trying to take over your brain. I shall continue to wear my tinfoil hat. It works for me!
  • There is no chemical on earth that can make a sand person into a schizophrenic. The CIA have been working on it, but no luck yet. They find bullets work better to take out enemies than to give them chemicals to drive them nuts. Dope will send loonies loopy quicker than they might ordinarily have gone loopy, but it is not capable of making a sane person crazy.
  • a sand person? A sane person. bleh
  • Sand people travel single file, to hide their numbers.
  • I'd just like to add that directors who set the clocks to "4:20" in their movies and think they're clever should be fed to hungry badgers.
  • drjimmy, i feel the same way about anyone who uses "420" as part of his or her online handle, a la "MadDog420" or "420StonedAgin".
  • and then there's the craigslist people. Yeah, you're really fooling the cops with your post titled "anybody got 420?" They have NO idea what you're talking about- you are the master criminal of our time.
  • Yeah. People are stupid.
  • When I play online poker, I look for tables with people with "420" in their handles.
  • drjimmy, wasn't that a Kevin Smith thing? I know there are a few directors that have clock-related injokes, but now I can't think of any specifics.
  • "There is no chemical on earth that can make a sane person into a schizophrenic. The CIA have been working on it, but no luck yet. They find bullets work better to take out enemies than to give them chemicals to drive them nuts." Hey Chyren, a chemical, (natural - such as marijuana, or not) can trigger psychosis if a person has an inherited predisposition for mental illness. Many different conditions can also trigger mental illness; prolonged stress, trauma, and the like. Its not that uncommon - but then, neither is being barrelled by a bus. Its all in the odds innit!
  • Oh yeah, and the aphorism, "genius is akin to madness" might occasionally be applicable. heh