October 13, 2005

Pinter's Prize Remember you saw it here first: Harold Pinter has been awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. And not a moment too soon, if you ask me.

(I would have provided a link, but only a few of us read Swedish.)

  • I suggest a minute's silence.
  • *pause*
  • Very fine fine writer. Although the debt to Beckett is occasionally more obvious than it might be, I can only wish I had a tenth of Pinter's rhetorical skill and stagecraft.
  • quidnunc robbed AGAIN
  • Not bad. Could be worse. But still not Vonnegut.
  • And still not Terry Pratchett.
  • Margaret Atwood you fools!
  • I would like to say a great deal about Harold Pinter. pause And also his influence on my theatre training. pause But, you see, well... pause Well, that's the thing really. pause Isn't it?
  • I should also like to add something. I ate the cheese roll. I did it deliberately.
  • Damn it, snubbed again! I thought for sure I'd win this year! Seriously, my blog rocks!
  • I ate the cheese roll. Go over and stand by the door...if there's a knock on the door you don't answer it....When the bloke comes in, shut the door behind him...without divulging your presence....
  • Goes to show that once you've been made a reference in a song by Stephen Sondheim, the Nobel can't be far behind...
  • Mmnnn. //david mamet
  • If I had my papers... If I took the Number 329 bus from Hopkin Green to Sidcup to get my papers... I lost my papers... Who took my papers... Who found my papers...
  • ... Was the dead body washed or dressed for a journey? What made you declare the dead body dead? Did you declare the dead body dead? Hpw well did you know the dead body? How did you know the dead body was dead? Did you wash the dead body Did you close both its eyes Did you bury the body Did you leave it abandoned Did you kiss the dead body -- Harold Pinter in his Nobel Lecture [There's video and full text is here.]